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February 16, 2024 7 min read

A rebound relationship, in its essence, is a romantic engagement that occurs shortly after the end of a significant previous relationship. It's often viewed as a reactionary move to fill the emotional void left by the breakup.1

Not all rebound relationships are created equal; they can range from casual flings to more serious involvements. The common thread, however, is their genesis: they arise as a direct response to the end of a past relationship and are often characterized by a mix of unresolved feelings and the desire for emotional support or distraction.1

Understanding the nature of rebound relationships is crucial, as it helps us navigate these waters with greater awareness. Recognizing the signs and motivations behind such relationships can lead to healthier choices and better emotional management post-breakup.

One of the most telling signs of a rebound relationship is its pace.

How to Spot a Rebound Relationship

Identifying a rebound relationship can be tricky, especially when emotions are running high. However, certain patterns often emerge, offering clues to the true nature of the relationship.

1. The Relationship is a Whirlwind

One of the most telling signs of a rebound relationship is its pace. It often moves at a whirlwind speed, with the involved parties quickly jumping into a new romance without taking the time to fully process their previous breakup.

This accelerated pace can be exhilarating, but it often masks the unresolved issues from the past relationship. The rush into a new partnership is typically a reaction to the discomfort of being alone or the eagerness to prove that one can still find love.1

2. Your Partner Talks a Lot About Their Ex

If your partner frequently brings up their ex, it's a significant red flag. This constant reference to their previous relationship indicates that they are still processing their past experiences and emotions.2

It can manifest in various ways: comparisons between you and their ex, bringing up past memories, or even expressing unresolved anger or sadness.

This preoccupation suggests that the emotional baggage from the past relationship is still very much present, affecting their ability to fully invest in the new relationship.

3. The Relationship Feels Superficial

Rebound relationships often lack the depth and substance of more mature, emotionally developed partnerships. They might be based more on physical attraction or the convenience of not being alone rather than a deep emotional connection or shared values.

These relationships might feel fun and uncomplicated on the surface, but beneath that, there's often a lack of serious commitment or deep understanding of each other.

This superficial nature doesn't necessarily discount the potential for growth, but it does suggest that the relationship may not be rooted in the kind of emotional intimacy that typically characterizes long-term, serious relationships.

Emotional inconsistency is a hallmark of a rebound relationship.

4. Your Partner's Emotions Seem Inconsistent

Emotional inconsistency is a hallmark of a rebound relationship. This can manifest as mood swings, unexplained emotional reactions, or a general sense of emotional instability in your partner. One day, they might seem utterly enamored and deeply connected, while the next, they appear distant or preoccupied.2

This rollercoaster of emotions often stems from the unresolved feelings tied to their past relationship. Such volatility is not only confusing but can also be emotionally draining for both partners.

It suggests that your partner is still in the throes of dealing with the aftermath of their previous relationship, making it challenging to lay a stable foundation for a new one.

5. Friends and Family Express Concerns

Sometimes, it's those closest to us who notice the signs first. Friends and family may express concerns about the rapid progression or the nature of your new relationship. While it can be easy to dismiss these concerns as outside interference, it's often worthwhile to listen.

Loved ones can offer a more objective view, unclouded by the emotional intensity you might be experiencing. Their concerns can range from the speed of the relationship's progression to changes in your behavior or happiness.

While not all external opinions should be taken at face value, it's important to consider why those who know you well might be worried about your new relationship.

Trusting your instincts is crucial in relationships, especially new ones.

6. Your Gut Feeling Says Something’s Off

Trusting your instincts is crucial in relationships, especially new ones. If you have a persistent gut feeling that something is not quite right, it’s important to pay attention.

This might manifest as a sense of unease, a feeling that you're not getting the whole picture from your partner, or doubts about the relationship's authenticity.

Our intuition can often pick up on subtleties that our conscious mind overlooks. If your inner voice is raising alarms, it's worth taking a step back to evaluate the relationship more objectively.3

Reflecting on why you feel this way can provide valuable insights into the relationship's true nature and your own emotional state.

7. Your Partner Avoids Serious Discussions About the Future

A key sign of a rebound relationship is an avoidance of deep or long-term planning conversations. If your partner consistently steers clear of discussions about your future together, this might indicate they are not considering the relationship as a serious, long-term commitment.1

This avoidance can stem from their uncertainty about what they want, given they are still processing their past relationship. While it’s normal for new relationships to take time before delving into serious future plans, a complete avoidance of these topics in a rebound relationship can suggest a lack of real intention to invest in a long-term future together.

Why Do We Jump into Rebound Relationships?

The lure of a rebound relationship is not just about finding someone new. Often, it’s deeply rooted in the human need for emotional connection and the desire to heal from pain. After the end of a significant relationship, individuals might feel a void, a sense of loss, or a dent in their self-esteem.1

A rebound relationship can temporarily fill this void and offer a distraction from the hurt. For some, it’s a means to prove to themselves and others that they are still desirable and capable of love. Others might hope that a new relationship will help them move on from their past relationship more quickly.

However, these relationships can also be unconscious attempts to recreate the comfort and familiarity that was lost, without fully acknowledging the healing and growth needed first.

Rebound relationships can have a mixed bag of effects.

How Does a Rebound Relationship Impact You?

Rebound relationships can have a mixed bag of effects. On one hand, they can provide temporary solace, a boost in self-esteem, and a sense of normalcy or distraction from heartache. On the flip side, they can also prevent individuals from fully processing their emotions and learning from their past relationship.2

This can lead to a cycle of dependency on relationships for emotional fulfillment, rather than finding it within oneself. Moreover, if both partners are not on the same page about the nature and expectations of the relationship, it can lead to misunderstandings, hurt feelings, and further emotional turmoil.

Can Rebounds Turn into Something More?

While rebounds have a reputation for being short-lived, they are not necessarily doomed from the start. With mutual understanding, honest communication, and a genuine connection, what begins as a rebound can evolve into a stable, fulfilling relationship.

This requires both partners to be aware of their motivations and willing to work through any lingering issues from past relationships. It’s important to take time to understand each other and build a foundation based on more than just the initial comfort or attraction.

In a Rebound? Here's What You Can Do

If you find yourself in a rebound relationship, self-awareness is key. Take time to reflect on your motivations and feelings.

Are you in this relationship to avoid dealing with the pain of your breakup, or is there a genuine connection? Communicate openly with your partner about your feelings and concerns.

Seeking guidance from a therapist, especially one specialized in relationships, can provide valuable insights and tools for navigating your emotions and the dynamics of your new relationship.4

Focusing on personal growth and understanding your emotional needs will not only benefit you but also contribute to the health of your relationship.

Rebound relationships are a complex and often misunderstood aspect of our romantic lives.

Wrapping Up: The Big Picture of Rebound Relationships

Rebound relationships are a complex and often misunderstood aspect of our romantic lives. They can serve as a mirror, reflecting our needs, fears, and desires in the aftermath of a breakup.

While they may not always lead to long-term partnerships, they hold the potential for personal growth and learning.

Recognizing the signs of a rebound and understanding its impacts can empower individuals to make more informed decisions in their romantic lives.

What are the common signs of a rebound relationship? Identify a rebound relationship by its whirlwind nature, frequent mentions of an ex, emotional inconsistency, and superficial connection.

Can a rebound relationship become serious? With mutual effort and genuine connection, a rebound relationship has the potential to evolve into a serious, long-lasting partnership.

Why do people enter rebound relationships after a breakup? Individuals often seek rebound relationships to cope with loss, fill emotional voids, and boost self-esteem following a breakup.

How can you tell if you're in a rebound relationship? Recognizing a rebound involves noting fast-paced romance, unresolved feelings about an ex, and avoidance of future planning discussions.

What are the impacts of a rebound relationship on emotional health? Rebound relationships can offer temporary comfort but may hinder emotional processing and personal growth if not handled mindfully.


(1) Brumbaugh, C. C., & Fraley, R. C. (2015). Too fast, too soon? An empirical investigation into rebound relationships. Journal of Social and Personal Relationships, 32(1), 99-118. https://doi.org/10.1177/0265407514525086

(2) Barber LL, Cooper ML. Rebound sex: Sexual motives and behaviors following a relationship breakup. Arch Sex Behav. 2014 Feb;43(2):251-65. doi: 10.1007/s10508-013-0200-3. Epub 2013 Dec 20. PMID: 24356947.

(3) McCrea SM. Intuition, insight, and the right hemisphere: Emergence of higher sociocognitive functions. Psychol Res Behav Manag. 2010;3:1-39. doi: 10.2147/prbm.s7935. Epub 2010 Mar 3. PMID: 22110327; PMCID: PMC3218761.

(4) Kansky J, Allen JP. Making Sense and Moving On: The Potential for Individual and Interpersonal Growth Following Emerging Adult Breakups. Emerg Adulthood. 2018;6(3):172-190. doi: 10.1177/2167696817711766. Epub 2017 Jun 29. PMID: 30034952; PMCID: PMC6051550.
